K A T I E   H O L M E S :
The Girl Next Door

The Suri-approved breakfast that fuels Katie Holmes’ day

By Emily Laurence

Welcome to My Morning Routine, where Katie Holmes and other good-life gurus share their personal (frequently surprising, often healthy) morning rituals—to help you make your a.m.’s more awesome.

Katie Holmes
Actress and Quaker Oats ambassador

My mornings are really focused on getting my little one to school, so I’m pretty busy getting her ready. But I always make time for breakfast because I need a hearty meal that gives me fuel to keep going all day. For me, that’s oatmeal, which I grew up on in Ohio. I like to put brown sugar, blueberries, strawberries, and sometimes banana in there. [Suri] likes oatmeal too—we eat a lot of oats at our house! Making a nice breakfast for my little one and myself is a big priority in the morning for me.

I also have one or two cups of coffee, while I help get [Suri] off to school. (I usually take her in my sweats!) After that, I try to get a workout in. Every day is a little bit different, but I still really try to get my a.m. workout done before I have to go to work or do everything else I have to get done that day. My favorites are cycling, running, and yoga—I try to do a variety and keep things interesting.

If I don’t have to be [out and about] after my workout, I skip putting on makeup. I honestly don’t wear much makeup unless I have to be on camera. After that, I’m ready to start my day!